
Because watching is not an option. An overview of our projects.

This is Borderfree Association

In 2015, Borderfree Association was founded as a private initiative in Zurich. Today we are recognised as a non-profit association in Switzerland and Serbia. We provide direct humanitarian aid on-site and implement our projects in consultation with the affected people. Only this way we can respond to their wishes and needs and grant them rights of co-determination. We also maintain close relations with various governmental and non-governmental authorities across local, national and international scales.

In carrying out our projects, we draw from a broad network of volunteers and committed supporters. These people share our values and are committed to working in Switzerland or in the refugee camps. The flat hierarchical structure allows us flexibility, short decision-making processes, as well as rapid, efficient and uncomplicated intervention. Through that we have made a name for ourselves with other organisations and became a trustworthy partner.

Borderfree Association: A story of courage, initiative and humanity.

August 2015

Vanja Crnojevic travels to Serbia as a private person, alone with her backpack and money from private donors. The media quickly become aware of the young woman, who herself fled Bosnia with her family as a child. She establishes far-reaching contacts and thus lays the foundation for the activities of the “Borderfree Association”.

September 2015

Back in Switzerland, Vanja founded the “Borderfree Association” together with women from the Balkans and Switzerland. The first projects in Presevo are implemented through private donations. Initially, these consist mainly of the distribution of food and hygiene packages, as well as individual help for individuals in need.

October 2015 to March 2016

Until the closure of the Greek-Macedonian border, “Borderfree Association” is mainly active in Presevo, where the up to 15,000 refugees passing through the registration centre are provided with food, clothing, blankets, hygiene articles and safe sleeping places. “Borderfree Association” is registered as an association in Serbia.

March to May 2016

After the partial closure of the Balkan route, there is a backlog of refugees at the Macedonian border. “Borderfree Association” is shifting its focus to Idomeni in Greece and, with volunteers from the ranks of the refugees, is providing meals to over 3000 people every day. A small school in tents is also being set up.

May to November 2016

After the evacuation of Idomeni, the refugees are distributed in camps. In these camps only basic needs are covered. In Camp Petra, “Borderfree Association” is building basic medical care, two school buildings and hygiene infrastructure. The camp will be evacuated in November 2016 as it is unsuitable for the cold winter months.

November 2016

“Borderfree Association” applies for registration as an NGO in Greece and obtains non-profit status in Switzerland and thus tax exemption. Educational projects in Serbia are further expanded to offer prospects to refugees who stay in the camps for a longer period of time.

March 2017

The mobile dental clinic – a joint project between Masroor Medical Research Institute, Volunteers for Humanity and the Borderfree Association, is starting operations in Presevo and Bujanovac. Two Serbian dentists will be employed by the Borderfree Association for this purpose. The dental clinic treats up to 60 people a week.

June 2018

Mobile midwife clinic: The idea of the mobile midwifery clinic came to a volunteer during her work at Camp Presevo with Borderfree Association: A midwife herself, she noticed the many pregnant women and babies and the lack of services for them. Together with her project partner she started planning and converting the vehicle into a mobile midwife clinic. Borderfree Association provided advice and support before the clinic moved to Greece in autumn 2018 due to a lack of permits in Serbia and is now independently run by the Mambrella Association.

January 2019

House of Rescue: The largest project till today the “House of Rescue – a home for refugee children“ was opened in January 2019 in the town of Loznica in Serbia. Thanks to a large crowdfunding it was possible to acquire and renovate a house. So far we have been able to provide more than 40 refugee children and young people without parents with a safe and suitable place  according their age.

Early 2019

At the beginning of the year Borderfree Association organized a single mission to Moria on the island of Lesbos. Among other things, families were supported with food and hygiene products. The purpose of the mission was also to consider expanding activities in Greece. Unfortunately, the current political situation in Greece makes it difficult for humanitarian organisations to work legally on the ground, which is why we had to decide against expanding our commitment in Greece.

Summer 2019

Camp Ziad, Aramel and Abu Suleiman, Lebanon: Vanja Crnojevic visited various refugee camps in Lebanon in the summer of 2019. The situation in Lebanon is precarious. Thanks to generous donations we were already able to buy food, hygiene products, clothes and heating oil for the winter. Borderfree Association will register as an organisation in Lebanon to set up emergency aid and other projects on the ground.

Wie sind wir geführt

Legal form

Borderfree Association is organised as an association and is mostly run on a voluntary basis. The association is religiously and politically independent and neutral. In addition, it is open to all people regardless of age, gender, origin, religion or sexual orientation.

The statutes will be sent on request.

The annual reports can be ordered at info@border-free.ch or downloaded as PDF files in German language:

Annual report 2016/2017
Annual report 2018
Annual report 2019
Annual report 2020
Annual report 2021

Where do we work?

We are currently active in Serbia and Lebanon. We carry out individual projects as required in the short and long term.

As an association run by volunteers, we do not have an office with opening hours and permanent staff. If you would like to contact us, you will find our postal address at the end of this page. If you would like to speak to someone personally, please send an email to info@border-free.ch and we will be happy to get in touch with you.