
Your monthly donation for people enables aid projects for people in Lebanon, Serbia and Turkey.

In Lebanon: There are countless camps and the situation is very confusing. Thanks to your donation we help people in need, especially the refugees on the streets, who currently receive hardly any support. With our mobile medical clinic, we can reach the remote and poorer regions in Lebanon. This is to enable the poorest of the poor to receive medical treatment.

In Turkey: The devastating earthquakes have left tens of thousands homeless. Countless families are facing the ruins of their existence. We provide emergency aid in the form of food parcels, blankets, medical support and build and arrange containers, family tents and shelters for particularly vulnerable groups.

Many thanks!

In Lebanon: There are countless camps and the situation is very confusing. Thanks to your donation we help people in need, especially the refugees on the streets, who currently receive hardly any support. With our mobile medical clinic, we can reach the remote and poorer regions in Lebanon. This is to enable the poorest of the poor to receive medical treatment.

In Turkey: The devastating earthquakes have left tens of thousands homeless. Countless families are facing the ruins of their existence. We provide emergency aid in the form of food parcels, blankets, medical support and build and arrange containers, family tents and shelters for particularly vulnerable groups.

Many thanks!

Borderfree Association is a non-profit association, registered in Switzerland and Serbia. Therefore every donation can be deducted from your taxes in Switzerland. We will gladly send you a receipt. Thank you very much.

Donation account

CH71 0900 0000 6159 3305 7

CH58 0900 0000 9155 0838 2
Post: 61-593305-7

Borderfree Association
Zentralstrasse 156
8003 Zürich

Transparent handling of your donation

Online donations are subject to a fee of 5%. Can you help us cover these fees by increasing your donation by 5%?
If you would like to donate free of charge, please transfer the money directly to our account. Download payment slip

Do you have any questions?

Then please contact us via info@border-free.ch.