
Hunger, cold, disease – and hardly any help in sight

Several earthquakes have shaken Turkey and Syria – with devastating effects. Thousands have lost their lives in the rubble. For countless, their entire existence lies in ruins.
Your donation will make it possible to provide tents and containers, food and medical support.
Thank you for your donation!

Send “Love 50” or “Love 100” to 488 (for a donation of 50 francs/100 francs) or transfer a donation to border-free.ch/en/donate.

Thank you very much!

Several earthquakes have shaken Turkey and Syria – with devastating effects. Thousands have lost their lives in the rubble. For countless, their entire existence lies in ruins.
Your donation will make it possible to provide tents and containers, food and medical support.
Thank you for your donation!

Send “Love 50” or “Love 100” to 488 (for a donation of 50 francs/100 francs) or transfer a donation to border-free.ch/en/donate.

Thank you very much!

Your SMS donation is anonymous. If you wish to deduct your donation from taxes in Switzerland we ask you to send us your address and you will receive a donation receipt. Thank you very much.

I would prefer to donate by credit card, Postfinance, Twint or Paypal.

Donation account

CH71 0900 0000 6159 3305 7

CH58 0900 0000 9155 0838 2
Post: 61-593305-7

Borderfree Association
Splügenstrasse 10
CH-7000 Chur