Mobile dental clinic in Serbia
Many children and adults – almost 70% of all refugees – have dental conditions that cannot be alleviated without professional treatment. Many different organizations offer medical care for refugees living in camps, while dental treatment is not sufficiently provided.
For this reason, the Borderfree Association – together with the Masroor Medical Research Institute and Volunteers for Humanity – has been working to provide a mobile dental clinic to care for refugees in Serbia and Greece.
At the moment the clinic is out of operation, because due to the spread of the corona virus, access to the camps is not allowed for our staff.
Project and operation
An ambulance has been upgraded by MMRI to provide free treatment for refugees. The financing of the reconstruction was provided by “Volunteers for Humanity”. The project began after three months of planning.
The dental clinic is operated by the “Borderfree Association”, which pays for the salaries of the dentists, the medicines and hygiene products that are constantly needed, as well as the maintenance of the clinic. The clinic started its operations in Spring 2017 and serves camps in Serbia. A dentist and his assistant are treating about 20 patients per day free of charge.
The maintenance of the dental clinic amounts to approximately 4600 francs per month.
With 150 francs, you can maintain and operate the mobile clinic for one day.
Today, after realising that I have the best job in the world I would like to share a moment with you. We have helped many people in the Camp in Presevo and put a smile on their faces. But there is a girl who cried tears of joy and I regret that I cannot share the whole story of this emotional moment with you. Her name is Somaya, originally from Afghanistan. She is 23 years old and has been in Presevo with her family for 6 months. She came to the clinic very shy and insecure. At first I thought that she was afraid. We talked about her and her family and when she relaxed a bit I asked her how I could help her. She showed me a problem with her teeth. It was an aesthetic problem, her teeth were rubbing together because of the emotional stress and anxiety she had to endure over the last years. I took her hand and told her that I could help her. The whole process took about 45 minutes. Then I took a photo of the result and showed it to her. At that moment her big eyes started to shine and she started to cry, hugged me and thanked me. She said that she never smiled before because she didn’t dare to. She had wished for her teeth to be beautiful again. Now she was very happy and thankful to the dental clinic and the borderfree team. She ran away with a big smile and thanked us again.
I would like to thank Borderfree for giving me the opportunity to experience such moments and to feel this joy.